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Which marketing channels are your priorities for 2016?

A survey recently published by Econsultancy has reported that 57% of marketers consider their company website as the highest priority marketing channel, followed by email (48%) & social media (42%).

The figures for search marketing were high, although the figures were down slightly from 2014. SEO was a priority for 34% of respondents, down from 38%, and paid search at 18% compared to 21%. Other digital advertising formats saw an increase. Online display and web retargeting both up sharply in the year on year figures.

Marketing channels and advertising spend

This chimes with other data recently published that indicated that the UK was forecast to become the first country where half of all advertising spend was on digital media.

These marketing channels were in sharp contrast to traditional channels such as Direct Mail, which was a priority for 11% of respondents, TV (7%) and newspaper (8%). Interestingly while these channels weren’t deemed a priority, data released from the The Advertising Association in July reported a surge in spend on traditional marketing channels with £1.2bn spent on traditional display advertising in the first quarter of 2015.

All of this data resonates with the conversations we have with our clients about what they consider their priorities to be, but we’d love to hear from you about where your focus is? Have are your owned media channels such as website, email database & social media platforms topping your list for attention? Or are you looking at a trying to reach new audiences and engage with prospects through earned media? Alternatively are you looking to take advantage of the resurgence in traditional channels to get some visibility for your brand?

Please add your comments below, or pick up the conversation with us on social media and let us know what you consider to be your priorities for marketing channels for next year.

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Ops director at Fantastic Media, varied background in physics, sports publishing, agency life and software.

  • Dmitri Kara

    Fantastic marketing always delivers fantastic results and I bet you guys sure know what it takes. For me as head of social media for fantastic handyman , the one and most important channel worthy of focus and investment is digital space and social media in particular. I think that that in 3, 4 or 10 years, this will be the most influential tool for the Fantastic Handyman brand and overall brand awareness. Of course.. we are not leaving physical media behind, as we do invest in numerous incentives, but sadly physical campaigns become ever more & more inefficient from a point. Brands environment is more dynamic than ever.


    Fantastic Handyman London

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